Monday 25 November 2013

A Flash

Glimpses arrive cradled
in fleeting  repose.
Shimmering peacock feathers
rippling canopy over
million paper boats
surfing seas.

Pecking crows

Voracious crows

Peck  the crumbs.

Vegetable eternity.

Wednesday 20 November 2013

Time,the time.

If it's not time,then
what else is?
Sporty dictator,
envelope tent
for  conscious followers
and  wanderers.

The out-of-date-man
carried green canvas bag
stuffy with recorded
 and re recorded
video cassettes,rent
for five rupees a week.
three decades of thinness,
bits and bytes forward
over write memories to convenience.
My  biological clock
has a heady disdain for those,
Mere apparatus.
Tiptoes with every breath,
The cells lost
in renewal and replacement
are the ties to be severed.

Saturday 16 November 2013


Lives in me exchange stories
of times that were and
times that are not.
Reminiscing the deranged
line that parts the two.
By design,
body and it's shadow
do not catch up?

The mechanism of my will
commands to stow away
the trinkets,books and what-nots
that carry your faint apparitions
Bury your fragrance,in the woods.
Tend the backyard,
get high on noisy laughter,
though it echoes with a vengeance.

Wednesday 13 November 2013

The Bird

Blatant summer etherialised
the sculpture of molten hallucinations.
A bunch of dry leaves
prattling on sidewalk.

There was a humming bird
perched fondly on the forged shape.
What became of her?